Some useful things can be set in the defaultproperties of your monster. Here is a list of the main ones. Just set them to whatever you feel is good for your monster. Remember that this monster may be used with instagib, normal invasion, rpg etc.. and so the defaults should be universal if possible. Other mutators such as monstermanager can change things and you can make them configurable also. Please read my tutorial on how to do this.
Here you can see a list of defaults that might be good to change, complete with comments about what exactly each of them do. The values shown are the defaults.
defaultproperties { bCanStrafe=true //is the monster allowed to strafe? (move side to side when walking) bAlwaysStrafe=false //if true the monster will usually try to strafe when moving towards its goal bMeleeFighter=true //if this is true a monster will prefer to get close to players than stand at a distance. They can however do both. bCanDodge=true //if true the monster can try to duck and move to avoid being hit bTryToWalk=false //if the monster can fly, if this is true the monster will try to walk when it is near the ground DodgeSkillAdjust=0.0 //if this value is 4 or greater the monster will be good at dodging ScoringValue=1 //how many points the player gets for killing this monster GibGroupClass=class'xPawnGibGroup' //this is the type of gibs that spawn when a monster explodes. 2 other default gib groups that you might want instead are xAlienGibGroup and xBotGibGroup. GibCountCalf=4 //how many of this type to spawn when gibbed. Setting these to high number like 20 will cause a blanket of gib effect :o and lag GibCountForearm=2 //how many of this type to spawn when gibbed. Setting these to high number like 20 will cause a blanket of gib effect :o and lag GibCountHead=2 //how many of this type to spawn when gibbed. Setting these to high number like 20 will cause a blanket of gib effect :o and lag GibCountTorso=2 //how many of this type to spawn when gibbed. Setting these to high number like 20 will cause a blanket of gib effect :o and lag GibCountUpperArm=2 //how many of this type to spawn when gibbed. Setting these to high number like 20 will cause a blanket of gib effect :o and lag bCanCrouch=false //if true, this monster is capable of crouching bCanFly=false //if true the monster will attempt to fly bCanSwim=false //if bCanSwim is false and bCanFly is true the monster will rise out of water GroundSpeed=440.000000 //the maximum ground speed. WaterSpeed=300.000000 //the maximum swimming speed. AirSpeed=440.000000 //the maximum flying speed. JumpZ=340.0 //vertical acceleration when a monster jumps, if you do not want your monster to jump set this to 0, the bigger the number the higher the monster can jump. Health=100 //Health: 100 = normal maximum. 1 instagib shot = 1000 Health. CollisionRadius=25.0 //remember that red cylinder we saw in the editor in the first tutorial? This is the radius of that cylinder. CollisionHeight=44.0 //remember that red cylinder we saw in the editor in the first tutorial? This is the height of that cylinder. PrePivot=(X=0.0,Y=0.0,Z=-5.0) //where the collision cylinder pivots. Changing drawscale usually effects this. If your monsters feet go into the ground or he appears to hover then this is what needs tweaking. DrawScale=1.0 //this is the size of the monster 1.0 = normal size. When you change this you will need to also change the collision sizes and possibly the prepivot. }
TIP – Use your psychic powers to predict monster movements and out smart them!
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