Mario Monster Pack 1
This monster pack for Invasion adds 13 new monsters from Super Mario. The monsters are: Angry Sun – A flying monster with a continuous area of effect attack. Blooper – A flying monster that can shoot projectiles and has a melee attack. Bob_omb – A melee range only monster that explodes in close proximity to […]

Minecraft Monster Pack 2
Minecraft monsters for UT2004 Invasion. This new monster pack adds 11 new monsters for Invasion for UT2004, it requires the first Minecraft monster pack to be installed. Available here: https://unreal.shaungoeppinger.com/minecraft-monsters/ New Monsters included are: Blaze, Ender Dragon, Evoker, Ghast, Pillager, Ravager, Shulker, Vex, Vindicator, Wither and Wither Skeleton. Please read the readme for the monster […]

Minecraft Monsters
Minecraft monsters for UT2004 Invasion. 8 new monsters for Invasion for Ut2004, New Monsters included are: Creeper, Enderman, Phantom, Skeleton Archer, Slime, Spider, Witch and Zombie. The Skeleton has the ability to jump on nearby Spiders and ride them, becoming the Skeleton Jockey! Please read the readme for the monster lines and help setting up […]

Doom 3 Weapons v1
This pack contains 9 Doom 3 weapon and a mutator to add them to the game. They work with any game type. The weapons included are: 1. Chainsaw 2. Pistol 3. Machine Gun 4. Shotgun 5. Super Shotgun 6. Plasma Gun 7. Chaingun 8. Rocket Launcher 9. BFG The weapons can be configured to suit […]

Quake 4 Weapons v2
This pack contains 11 Quake 4 weapon and a mutator to add them to the game. They work with any game type. The weapons included are: 1. Machinegun 2. Grenadelauncher 3. Hyperblaster 4. Lightning Gun 5. Shotgun 6. Nailgun 7. Rocketlauncher 8. Darkmatter Gun 9. Railgun 10. Napalm Launcher 11. Gauntlet The weapons can be […]

Gibable Corpses
This mutator allows corpses to be gibbed further, it also allows you to set how much fatal damage will cause a player to gib completely. Read the readme file for help with configuring the new version. GibableCorpsesv2 Download Older Versions & Related Files GibableCorpsesv1

How to make configurable options for your Monster
Most of my monsters have configurable settings. This tutorial will show you how to set that up. I will be using the MagdalenaMonster we made in the first tutorial. The magdalena base class can be downloaded from here:Magdalana Base Class Its usually best to assign variables at the beginning of the script in a function […]

How to make your monster cause damage when it dies (hurt radius)
Sometimes when a monster dies it might be appropriate for it to cause damage to nearby players. This tutorial will show you how. Damage is always handled by the server so the function chosen to perform this task must meet some criteria. Firstly is has to be executed at some point near the monsters death […]

How to make your monster spawn effects when it dies
Some of my monsters explode in colourful effects when they die. I usually do this when the monster has no death animation. If your monster has this problem or you just think it would look cooler than them falling over then keep reading. This tutorial will show you how. To do this all we have […]

How to attach effects to your Monster
The magical dragons have nice effects attached to their wings. (Vertex Meshes – e.g the default SkaarjPack/Pikachu/QuakeMonsters do not have bones and so they can only use one of these methods). Different types of effects can be attached, such as Emitters, xEmitters and even Staticmeshes! First I will show you how to attach effects to […]
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