This short guide will show you how to install and start using the satore monster pack to configure your waves.
If you havn’t done so already, you can download satore monster pack here: SatoreMonsterPackv120
You can also download a basic “default” satoreMonsterPack.ini file here: SatoreMonsterPack.ini
Extract the archive to your UT2004 base directory so that the files go in the correct folders. Alternatively extract the files to a safe location (such as your desktop) and then copy and pase them into the correct folder.
.uax files (satoreMonsterPackSound.uax) go in the UT2004\Sounds folder
.utx files (satoreMonsterPackTexture.utx) go in the UT2004\Textures folder.
.u files (satoreMonsterPackMeshes.u and satoreMonsterPackv120.u) go in the UT2004\System folder.
.ucl files (satoreMonsterPackv120.ucl) go in the UT2004\System folder.
.ini files (Manifest.ini ) go in the UT2004\System folder.
.int files ( go in the UT2004\System folder.
Configuring the first wave
The settings for each monster and wave, and where you add more monsters are saved to the satoreMonsterPack.ini file to your UT2004\System folder. This file will be created the first time you configure the mutator in-game.
Load up UT2004, select Instant Action and choose Invasion for the gametype. Select any map you wish to play or test monsters on.
Select the Mutators tab at the top of the screen. You should now see a list of your current installed mutators on the left and a list of the current active mutators for the chosen gametype on the right. If you just want to use satore to configure your waves then you only need to select the mutator called “satoreMonsterPack Version1.20”. If you wish to use satore to configure your monsters, such as their speed or health then you should also select the “satoreMonsterConfig Version1.20” mutator. For this tutorial, we are only intersted in the first wave setup so select the “satoreMonsterPack Version1.20” mutator and click Configure Mutators at the bottom right of the screen.
A new window should have opened where you can configure any mutators that have any in-game configurable options. Click the Open button next to the satoreMonsterPack Version1.0 mutator. In the new window, the first tab you see (the first tab on the left) is the wave configure tab. Just ignore the other two tabs. You only need to concern yourself with the wave information.
At the bottom right of the screen there is the WaveNumber settings, click the + or – buttons to increase or decrease the number of the wave you want to configure. We just want to configure wave 1 which (confusingly) is wave number 0. (Remember that the Invasion game wave numbers are offset by 1. So if you wanted to configure wave 10 you would change WaveNumber to 9. Most of the other buttons are self explanatory, if you need help just hover your mouse over them for a hint. The 16 drop down boxes are where you choose which monsters to spawn on the wave. By default, some monsters will already be chosen. You can remove all of these and select your own. When you are finished click the ok button and then play a game.
When you are more familiar with satore, you may find it faster or more convenient (for example if you are configuring a server from another computer and don’t have access to the games in-game menus) to configure the waves just by editing the .ini file. It’s very simple to do. Under the [satoreMonsterPackv120.mutsatoreMonsterPack] heading in the satoreMonsterPack.ini file you should see 16 default wave lines which begin with “SMPWaves=”. As you can see, with satore you can have up to 16 different monsters per wave, (InvasionPro increases this limit to 30). The .ini file uses numbers to denote which monsters should be spawned. The number is simply the number of the monsters position in the MonsterTable list. In the MonsterTable list the first monster is “None”, the second is “Pupae”, the third is “Razor Fly” and so on. This translates to “None” = 0, “Pupae” = 1, “Razor Fly” = 2 and so on… Simply input the correct numbers for the monsters you want on the waves. It’s as easy as that!
Adding more Waves
If you want more than 15 or 16 waves then you need to change just a couple of settings. First in your UT2004.ini file (in your UT2004\System folder), under the [SkaarjPack.Invasion] heading, simply change FinalWave= to whatever you wish. Then back in the satoreMonsterPack.ini file just copy and paste the wave lines to create more waves to configure. Unfortunately satores in-game settings doesn’t allow you to configure extra waves and these must be setup manually in the .ini file.
Setup Tips
Always make sure you have a FallBackMonster selected (on the wave setup page for each wave). If you make it a monster that shouldn’t be on that wave then yuo can clearly see in-game when a monster hasn’t spawned (perhaps your preferred monster was too big, or perhaps you spelt something wrong in an .ini file or maybe you are missing a file. You UT2004.log should shed more light on these problems). Always make sure that the FallBackMonster is something small that should have no problem spawning. Most people just use Pupae.
Installing new Monsters with satore
If you use satore monster pack to configure your waves, then you can also use it to install custom monsters. Some other mutators and gametypes can also do this, such as Monster Manager and InvasionPro (game type) to name just 2. Download, extract and install your custom monsters as directed in the monsters readme.txt file. If the new monster doesn’t contain any help file then follow these simple installation rules and read on how to discover the monsters class names.
.u files go in the UT2004\System folder.
.ucl files go in the UT2004\System folder.
.ini files go in the UT2004\System folder.
.int files go in the UT2004\System folder.
.utx files go in the UT2004\Textures folder.
.uax files go in the UT2004\Sounds folder.
.ukx files go in the UT2004\Animations folder.
.usx files go in the UT2004\StaticMeshes folder.
.ka files go in the UT2004\KarmaData folder.
.ut2 files go in the UT2004\Maps folder.
The next thing you need to know is the monsters class name. Satore (and other mutators) need this information so that they know which monster to load. The class name always has 2 parts which are separated by a full stop. For example “MyPackage.MyMonster”. The first half of the classname is always the name of the package which the monster resides inside. The package will usually always be a .u file. For example, the SkaarjPupae monster resides in the SkaarjPack.u file, so in that case the class name will be SkaarjPack.SkaarjPupae.
So if the monster doesn’t come with this information, you already know the first half of the class names. The second half is always the name of the monsters class file. Monsters always extend the Monster class. You can view any new monsters by using the UnrealEd. To do that, load up the Unreal Editor by double clicking the UnrealEd.exe file located in your UT2004\System folder. Once loaded, go to the Actor Class Browser and load the monsters package (usually .u file, if for some reason the monster was compiled into… an animation file, you would go to the Animation browser and load the monsters .ukx file). Once loaded, any new classes contained in the .u file will appear in the actor class tree. Simply expand Actor>Pawn>UnrealPawn>xPawn>Monster>and so on until you see monsters. You should recognise the new monster. The name of the monster in the list is the last half of the class name we are looking for. This is a list of the default monsters, any other monsters that appear in the Actor Class Browser are custom ones.
Most monsters come with a help file with the class names already laid out for satore or monstermanager. So now you have the class names all we have to do is input this information into the satoreMonsterPack.ini file (which was created for us when we configured the first wave). Open the satoreMonsterPack.ini file and under the [satoreMonsterPackv120.SMPMonsterTable] heading create some new lines at the bottom of the list by copying and pasting the last monster already in the list. By default that should be the Nali Rabbit. Simply input the new monsters class name, and give it a unique MonsterName, the MonsterName is what will identify the monster in the in-game drop down menus. So if we downloaded the new AlienMonsterPack and we wanted to install the Facehugger monster, you would create a new MonsterTable line by copying the previous one, (in this case the Nali Rabbit) and change:
MonsterTable=(MonsterName=”Nali Rabbit”,MonsterClassName=”satoreMonsterPackv120.SMPNaliRabbit”)
That’s it! The monster should now appear in the in-game drop down menus on the wave config page of the satoreMonsterPack mutator. You can have hundreds of custom monster lines. If when you play the game and the monster doesn’t spawn, most likely you miss-spelt the monsters class name. Also ensure that the MonsterTable line contains no white spaces. An error message is usually written to the log when the game cannot find the monster.
Finally, if you wish to host a server with new monsters then you must add the monsters to the ServerPackages list in the UT2004.ini file. This tells the server to send the monster files to the clients so that they will be able to see the monsters in-game. In most cases, the ServerPackage name you are looking for will be the name of the .u file because it depends on the monsters resource files, and so they will also be sent. So for example, if we wanted to add the AlienMonsterPack to the server then after we have set up the waves and monster list we just need to add the line ServerPackages=AlienMonsterPack at the bottom of the ServerPackages= list in the UT2004.ini file (under the [Engine.GameEngine] heading). It should look like this:
It’s as easy as that! Have fun!
Tip – Backup your .ini files and in the satoreMonsterPack.ini file it helps to put a little comment of the monsters number after the monster. For example //32.
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