This pack contains 11 Quake 4 weapon and a mutator to add them to the game. They work with any game type. The weapons included are:
1. Machinegun
2. Grenadelauncher
3. Hyperblaster
4. Lightning Gun
5. Shotgun
6. Nailgun
7. Rocketlauncher
8. Darkmatter Gun
9. Railgun
10. Napalm Launcher
11. Gauntlet
The weapons can be configured to suit most needs, read the read me file before installing.
Quake 4 Weapon Pack v2 Download
This is freaking awesome
i redirected the files for my server and it doesnt seem to be working at all for some reason like it takes forever to load
Check there isn’t more than 1 copy on the server and that you have added them to the ServerPackages list in your ut2004.ini file.
thats the trhing i did and it takes for ever its probably cause of the redirect server i use its the same thing for u1pawns and placableweps for doom 2 monsters