Monster Score Manager
This mutator allows you to modify the score award that players receive when they kill a monster, you can also specify any extra adrenaline that should be awarded to the player. Monster Score Manager Download
Pikachu Player Skin!
Finally, a playable Pikachu for UT2004! Pikachu comes with: Complete Animations Team Skins and Portrait Custom Ragdoll Custom Sounds and Voice Pack Updated Taunt menu Pikachu Skin Download
Rainbow Shock Rifle v3!
This is the Rainbow Shock Rifle featured in my Iniland mutator. This standalone weapon has been improved and now features many new configs such as changing the beam thickness. If you plan to use the Rainbow Shock Rifle in any way shape or form, including just being summonable then you must use the mutator that […]
Invasion Commands v3
This mutator allows Admins of servers and offline instant action players to modify the game play. Below is a full list of all the commands in this version. Maybe the most useful command is the wave skip command. ~ Invasion Command list ~ “Mutate Bomb” – Spawns 25 grenades around all monsters. “Mutate Boost BoostValue” […]
Weapon Replacement v2
This mutator allows the admin to change weapon spawns around on any map. Version 2 provides the option to replace the default inventory. How it works: The admin decides which weapon they wish to change. On the mutator screen you select the weapon from the list on the left. Then in the box on the […]
Boss Waves v1_6
This mutator allows Boss monsters to be inserted into the end of specific waves. You can configure the monster, messages that appear, his health, speed and a few more things. For full instructions read the ReadMe. v1_6 fixes invasion map changing bug if boss wins. The latest version is much more stable and bug free […]
InvasionPro v1_7
Please Note This is NOT a mutator, it is a new game type. Description: InvasionPro is a new game type for Unreal Tournament 2004. It is based on the popular Invasion game type. For those people accustomed to the Invasion game type, InvasionPro will feel very familiar. InvasionPro takes Invasion to the next level. It […]
Monster Mutations v5
Changes in v5 Option to disable mutations infecting friendly monsters added Changes in v4: Should now work with any game type. Fixed log errors. Changes in v3: Better effect scaling online, fixed more online issuess such as the teleport emitter not being destroyed. Changes in v2: The effects should scale better with bigger monsters. Fixed […]
Monster Kill Sounds
This is a simple standalone mutator that enables you to set what sound will be played for the player when they kill a monster. Any sound can be selected for play as long as it’s in your serverpackages list. Monster Kill Sounds Download
Wire Skin Mutator v2
Changes in V2: The choice to turn other things into wiremode has been added. These include Vehicles, Onslaught Powercores and Pickups. Some more new features include team wire mode for Ons gametypes where it might be fun to be redwire vs bluewire. The option to set each of these things to be random or have […]
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